The age of mass consumerism has not only created a throw away society, but as a by product, we’re losing the ability to fix and repair stuff which makes us helpless and feeds the mountain of discarded stuff and ultimately costs us more money‼️
We just buy a new one…
?Well, I’m teaching my girls all about fixing and repairing, because it’s more than just things that break. It’s about having a mentality of being able to solve problems.
?Observing the world around them, spotting things that are broken or could be better (whether that’s products or systems) and figuring out how to, repair, improve or redesign them.
??Today’s lesson was about HACKING
I don’t mean the kind where you get your roller blades on and race to the nearest phone box #hacktheplanet
I mean the kind where you take a system and hack it to work the way you want it to work.
This was a simple lesson as it was just replacing parts in an existing system with different ones but we often hack IKEA furniture to make new stuff or I teach my young inventors about hacking LED lights into clothing to create new products?
Once you understand how stuff works, you can not only turn it to your advantage but it gives you the mental tools to approach any situation in the same way- a solution can always be found‼️
The battery in our key fob had run out and typically we didn’t have the right size replacement ?
Solution- crack the key open, whip out the battery, find a new one of the same voltage, find a wire, recreate the circuit – ??PUSH the button?
We made it in to the Honda without setting the alarms off- SUCCESS!
Now to the shops to get a new ??? ??