My 3D printing courses have been such a huge success, the kids absolutely love them so I’ve figured out a way to condense as much as possible into just 2 days!
It’s a two day course that will run 11th & 12th AND 18th 19th of August, from 9am-5pm each day, and it’s all about 3D PRINTING FOR INNOVATION!!
The course will be structured all around a design challenge as one of the key concepts for my students to learn is WHY to use a 3D printer and WHAT to use it for. On my five day course we would normally build a printer too but in just two days that’s asking a lot!
We will be cramming loads of fun into the week and using my interactive design challenge method to answer the questions:
- What is the role of the 3D printer in Innovation?
- When and how is 3D printing used for problem solving, prototyping, and testing as a Design Engineer?
In this jam-packed 2 day course, young aspiring inventors and engineers will learn what 3D printers are, how they operate, the basics of how to use CAD & control the printers, and, most importantly WHY 3D printers are useful and their place in the iterative design process.
Each participant will learn the basics of CAD (Fusion 360) and the software to control what the 3D printer does (CURA). They will also each build their own functioning Rocket and Rocket launching platform using a combination of 3D printing, laser cutting and model making.
You can choose either a water powered rocket or a fire powered rocket, it’s up to you to decide. On the day we’ll be launching my rocket but because I live in a sort of nature reserve, we won’t be launching everyones as i want the neighbours to not fall out with me!
NOT JUST 3D PRINTING – oh no!! Since we’ll be based out of my Wiltshire workshop we’ll also have full access to my workshop which means we’ll be using the LASER CUTTER as well 🙂
This is no ordinary course!
My course is not just a normal 3D printing course though, that would be boring… my course is all about using 3D printers to help with my favourite thing in the world… innovation.
Anybody can do a load of tutorials and teach themselves how to run a printer, but WHY? What would be the point of it?
Here’s where my course is different – I am so excited to share with you how I use 3D printing in my real life work as an inventor at one of the leading technology companies in the world, and how you can apply that process to innovate solutions to problems you might come across in your own life, and in the lives of those around you.
The summer course was so great. My son is still playing with the design tools and enjoying being able to print other things. It’s really helped him become more self sufficient as he heads up to senior school.
I am going to take you through the whole innovation process that I use both in the lab at work with my team, and while I’m working on my own projects at home in my workshop.
We will start right from the beginning with nothing but a with a blank sheet of paper and a problem, all the way through to the end of the week when we will have looked at multiple potential solutions and ended up with a fully functioning prototype, which we will test and evaluate.
We will cover every aspect of the iterative design process. We’ll look at:
Design skills
- What innovation means
- Design mindset
- How to brainstorm and come up with ideas
- How to work collaboratively and problem solve as a team
- How to communicate our ideas with others through sketching & presentation skills
- Prototyping for problem solving
- How to test and evaluate our solutions
- The huge importance of failure in the design process
- Iterations and how to fail forwards
- Materials and sustainability in 3D printing
Hardware skills
- How to load 3D files into a 3D printer ready for printing
- How to remove parts from the build plate
- How to clean up parts and get the ready for assembly
- How to load materials onto and operate a LASER CUTTER!
Software skills
- Basics of FUSION 360 (The CAD program we use to 3D model parts)
- Designing for 3D printing
- Basics of CURA (The program that virtually slices the parts to be printed)
By the end of these 2 days with me, you will be equipped to observe the world around you, spot things that could be improved or problems that need solving to make life better or make things happen more efficiently, know how to come up with loads of ways to try and solve the problems or improve things, how to choose which ideas to test out first, how to go through the process of prototyping and using your 3D printer to assist with that, how to test and evaluate your solutions and see what works, what doesn’t work and how they could be better, and how to improve and iterate your designs until you eventually have a working prototype for your idea. You will also have the skills to sketch and annotate your ideas and communicate them to others.
You will be well on your way to becoming an inventor!
Due to the limited spaces, please transfer either the deposit or the full amount to the details lower down. Then hit the big button just below and it will take you to a facebook messenger conversation with me where you can let me know the name and age of your child and the date you want to book and if you want to build a FIRE based rocket or WATER
Really looking forward to having you along for the ride!
What age do I need to be for this camp?
This 3D printing for innovation 5 day course is aimed at young people aged 9 – 15 years.
We will be working on CAD (Computer Aided Design) as well as focussing on specifications and settings to get the printers working optimally. In addition we will work collaboratively as a group to identify potential solutions, bouncing ideas off one another.
Whilst there will be an age difference and capability difference in the group i’m very used to balancing the needs of different students, pushing the more capable ones on, and helping the more junior members to get the most out of the session.
How big will the groups be?
The maximum group size is 8 students since that’s about the limit that can sit around my massive dining table. I’m intending to have an additional adult helper and my older children will also be on hand to help out where necessary finding bits and bobs or assisting with model making.
Who will teach this course?
The course will be delivered by me! I am Innovation Ben and you can find out all about me, my work as an inventor, and my experience teaching children and young people in my launch video from last year clicking HERE
As mentioned above, I will also have an additional adult helper making a 1:4 ratio.
I am DBS checked, and first-aid qualified, and all additional adults will also be DBS checked. You can read our child protection & safeguarding policy here.
Do I need any prior experience of 3D printing?
No. This course is suitable for beginners.
If you’ve used a printer before, this course will still be 100% beneficial to you and your journey. I pride my on being able to take anyone with the skills and abilities they have and help push them onwards and upwards. Because we are framing the course all around a problem to solve, it means we can simply add more detail or a higher level of resolution to your design ideas and help you progress to the next stage of your innovation journey.
I’ve already got a 3D printer, is this for me?
Yes! You’ll have a head start that will allow me to help you go deeper and further in your understanding of CAD,part & product design as well as printing itself. I’ve been doing this stuff for a while now so if you’ve been having issues with your printer I can help fault diagnose what’s happening and get you back on track.
You’re more than welcome to bring your printer with you, there’s plenty of space 🙂
What do I need for the course?
You will need to bring a laptop with you on which we can install Fusion 360 and Cura (3d model slicing software). You are welcome to install both programs ahead of time, links to both programs below.
These programs have certain system requirements for your computer.
Check out THIS LINK for Fusion 360.
Check out THIS LINK for CURA. (If you’re laptop can run Fusion, it can easily run Cura.
For context, my laptop is around 6 years old and is more than capable of running the software. If you have any questions, please reach out to me.
You will also need a sketch book and pencil and your lunch. I will provide some biscuits and drinks as well as tea and Coffee for those adults that want to stick around.
What will I take home?
A fully working Rocket and rocket launching platform as well a a deeper understanding of the design process and a love for CAD, inventing and problem solving.
If you would like a certificate of completion at the end of this course we can email you one to print – just ask
If you would like to use this course as the “learning a new skill” element towards a Duke of Edinburgh award, please let us know and we will be happy to fill out the relevant paperwork for you 🙂
Where is it held?
My house and workshop!! We’ve got a lovely big kitchen with a massive dining table that I of course built myself! We’ve got plenty of room in the garden with a wonder area to sit and hang out should you want to stick around for the day too.
Is there parking at the venue?
Parking is limited however the brand new pub is just 2 minutes away by foot and has loads of parking. You might also find some street parking too but it’s a new build estate and they barely factored in people having friends!
Can I get there on public transport?
Yes, there are buses running from town to just 2 minutes away by foot (by the pub) Swindon is easily accessible by road and rail.
What about food?
We do not have the option of a catered lunch at this event, so you will need to bring a packed lunch, or alternatively you are welcome to arrange a local lunch via a delivery company such as deliveroo or similar.
Can I stay overnight?
This is a non residential day camp, and we do not have the option of overnight accommodation. However, there are plenty of options locally for accommodation including hotels, bed & breakfasts, holiday parks, glamping, and camping! the Cotswold Water park is just up the road along with the Lower Mill Estate. There are tons of hotels in and around Swindon and there’s a premier in just a few minutes away.
Can I be dropped off early/picked up later?
Absolutely! We know that many parents are still working through the school holidays, so they are welcome to drop you off from 8am, and pick you up as late as 6pm. Please get in touch ASAP to arrange this.
Is there anywhere locally my parent/guardian could work while I am busy inventing stuff?
We know that many parents are not able to take the holidays off work, so if your parents are still working remotely and don’t have to physically go to work, but still need to be working, they are very welcome to work from the brand new, very fancy Strawberry Thief Pub. There is plenty of space for parents to work with a laptop, lots of quiet corners for skype or zoom calls/ teams meetings etc.
How much is the course?
The course is £175 for the two days which includes all the materials needed, use of my tools and equipment and any filament used during printing.
Payment can be made by bank transfer using the following details :
Account name Ben Edmonds
Acc number 08329407
Sort Code 040004
Bank Name Monzo
Can I pay in installments?
Yes! You can book and secure your place with a deposit and pay the balance due by 1st August 2022.
What is your cancellation and refund policy?
The initial £75 deposit is non refundable. The remainder of any balance paid is refundable as follows:
17/07/2022 – 50% refund
2/08/2022 onwards – no refund